Featured goLancer: Kenneth Gómez
Learn How To Provide Exemplary Freelance Customer Services From Our Featured goLancer Kenneth

"Opportunities don't happen. You create them."
-Chris Grosser
This inspirational quote is the very first thing you will see on Kenneth's goLance profile. Indeed, our Featured goLancer Kenneth Gómez has been proving to himself and others that the opportunities don't create themselves. For almost a decade Kenneth has been a successful architect of his own freelance fortune.
Let's find out what's his freelance secret in this Featured goLancer interview.
Learn How To Provide Exemplary Freelance Customer Services From Kenneth
goLance: Kenneth when and how did you decide to become a freelancer and why? Is freelancing your only and main source of income or you provide your customer services on some other basis?
Kenneth: I decided to become a freelancer in 2009 after 6 years of working in the call center industry for big companies like AT&T and many others. I was able to grow within those companies as a team manager managing groups of 15 people, but there was always a question I kept asking myself:
“How can I do my own thing? How can I make more money doing the same work and spending more time with my family?”
And, the answer was becoming a freelancer and finding projects with a better salary, etc. Being a freelancer is my only and main source of income since then. I was able to live a better life and of course provide quality time to my family.
goLance: What’s your opinion about the current state of freelance customer services?
Kenneth: I think it is the best decision someone can make, but that is only if the person has a responsible mindset.
goLance: What’s the most challenging part of your work as a professional freelance customer service provider?
Kenneth: Sometimes is finding stability because not all companies are providing the opportunity to work in a long-term relationship. But once you get the experience that becomes easier to establish and of course knowing the right people will help a lot.
goLance: Where do your clients come from? Are you working with clients from specific countries and regions?
Kenneth: I only work with clients based in the US.
Kenneth with goLance CEO Michael Brooks
goLance: Do you work exclusively on goLance or you also provide your service on some other freelance platforms? How do you compare goLance with other freelance websites?
Kenneth: I work exclusively on goLance, but I have worked on Upwork not for much time. The reason for that was because companies once they find the right freelancer they ask you to work outside due to the fees discounted from your paycheck. With goLance is different because everything is accessible and you don’t have those problems.
goLance: What are the goLance features and options that you appreciate the most?
Kenneth: The different payment method options, it is accurate when it comes to seeing the reports, you are able to make a cash advance if you have an emergency and of course I appreciate that the fees are completely fair for both the company and the freelancer.
goLance: What would be your word of advice to new freelancers who have just joined goLance? What’s the best way for them to increase their chances of being hired?
Kenneth: My advice will be that they need to make sure everyone sees their skills, takes tests to confirm everything they say they can do. Show their work history and what they have accomplished with each company.
Kenneth with his fellow goLancer Rob Johnson
goLance: How do you manage to maintain a long-term working relationship with your clients?
Kenneth: Providing the best service possible, being honest all time, being trustworthy to your client, being on time all the time, reaching goals, if there is something I can’t do I find the way to overcome and create a solution on your own.
goLance: Would you recommend goLance to your friends and colleagues?
Kenneth: I always recommend it because I am sure it is the best platform in the freelancer market.
How To Hire Kenneth Gómez?
Check out Kenneth Gómez's impressive profile on goLance and let him take your business to the next level with his professional and reliable customer services.