Featured goLancer: Sristi Priya
Our Featured goLancer Sristi Priya has a goal of making it big with freelancing.

Our Featured goLancer Sristi Priya is a Computer Science Engineer who has been working for one company for over 3 years as an SEO account manager. In addition, she has managed websites and social media accounts. She is an expert when it comes to affiliate marketing. She has worked with clients from the USA, the UK, Ireland, Australia, and Canada. She has also written numerous content pieces including blogs, descriptions, and she is actively contributing to Quora. She has quite a passion for writing.
Sristi Priya lives in Ranchi, India and she has a goal of making it big with freelancing. This is her story.
goLance: Sristi when did you decide to become a freelancer and why? Is freelancing your only and main source of income or you provide your services on some other basis?
Sristi: Spending 10 hours in the office and then commuting back to my home after bearing with the traffic was not something I wanted to do for the rest of my life. To add to it, I feel a certain level of satisfaction when the client is happy. I want to do it on a much bigger scale, and for that, freelancing is just what can do justice to my dreams. Dealing with clients directly, makes you learn and grow so much as an expert.
Yes, freelancing is my main and only source of income now. I had worked with a company for more than 3 years helping people with AWS and content writing coupled with SEO strategies to make businesses stand out. I have also helped clients with these services independently.
goLance: What’s your opinion about the current state of the freelance industry?
Sristi: With the advancement of technology, life should become easier and more sorted. Freelancing is the need of the hour. Flexible timings for the client and freelancer is surely one factor which will make freelance industry grow exponentially. I have seen people around moving to full-time freelancing in India. They are making good money and immense satisfaction with the work. The industry is bound to get bigger as more talent and job requirements will keep pouring in.
goLance: What’s the most challenging part of your work as a freelancer?
Sristi: When you complete your work in your office and leave for the day, you get relaxed. With freelancing, you have to work hard for work-life balance. It can be tiring and you can be never sure if you have to stop. That being said, I am working in this direction and soon balance things for the best.
goLance: Do you work exclusively on goLance or you also provide your service on some other freelance platforms? How do you compare goLance with other freelance websites?
Sristi: I have dealt with clients personally: those who wanted my services even after leaving the company. I had thought of starting with Freelancer dot com. However, it has already reached a saturation level. Of course, the number of jobs posted there is in abundance and so are the already established freelancers there.
GoLance, on the other hand is a breath of fresh air. The number of projects being posted daily maybe less as compared to Upwork or Freelancer but the opportunity is equally higher. Even more for beginners like me, who wish to explore the world of freelancing.
goLance: Would you like to share your experience with goLance support that got a lot of attention on social media?
Sristi: How eagerly was I waiting to tell this to as many people as I could!
I was facing troubles logging in to my GoLance account. I tried to raise a ticket to seek help from GoLance support but something seemed really wrong with my account.
I was already following Michael Brooks on Quora. With no expectations, I sent a message to him explaining about the issue I was facing accessing my account. To my surprise, he actually replied!
He took care of the whole issue personally. His team resolved the issue within the least time possible. He kept asking and reassuring me till I was totally satisfied with the resolution.
Never have I ever found a company being this employee-friendly, leaving no stone unturned to come up with the best solutions consuming least time. And, a CEO of a company valuing a beginner like me to this extent!
I hope GoLance keeps up the same spirit in the coming days and proves to be even greater platform for freelancers in coming years.
goLance: What are the goLance features and options that you appreciate the most?
Sristi: The most relieving of them all, having no restrictions on the number of bids in a month. That is something one can never imagine to happen in case of other freelancing websites. This no restriction factor helps one gain confidence and promote themselves even without paying. It has not been long since I have started using GoLance but I am sure there will be more to explore in GoLance as days will pass.
goLance: What would be your word of advice to new freelancers who have just joined goLance? What’s the best way for them to increase their chances of being hired?
Sristi: Patience is the key. GoLance is full of opportunities, their team is ready to help and there is no lack of learning associated with this. This website is on par with any other freelancing website. Groom your skillset, stay focused and grab opportunities when they cross your way.
More freelancers here on GoLance give up earlier than they should.
The higher the number of projects one bids for, based on skillset, the higher the chances of getting hired. There is no constraint on the number of bids, so make use of it. Golance will not disappoint and I have experienced it.
goLance: What can you tell us about your other interests, such as movies?
Sristi: I am a movie buff. Whenever I get a chance I watch movies and small films. At times, movies in languages which I don’t know but the acting can be a magnet in some cases. I watch movies and look for the deeper meaning just like we were supposed to do in schools when reading poems. I also have a thing for cooking and painting. Both of these work as stress-busters for me.
goLance: Would you recommend goLance to your friends and colleagues?
Sristi: A definite loud yes!
GoLance is for freelancers who wish to make it big. It has immense potential and knows how to treat its freelancers right. I believe that it holds good for its clients and employees as well. It has opportunities for dedicated and hard-working people. The cherry on the cake is their presence when a freelancer is looking for help.
I have already recommended it to one of my juniors who is starting his career as a freelancer.
goLance: You're quite active on Quora. Would you recommend Quora to freelancers and why?
Sristi: Quora is interactive and keeps one updated. For those with a thirst for knowledge or reading Quora is one amazing social media platform. For freelancers, Quora can be used for promotions too.
How To Hire Sristi Priya?
If you want to get in touch with Sristi feel free to check out her goLance profile.